Beyond Academics


I love living vicariously through books. Here is my digital bookshelf in the recent years. (Although, I romanticise reading in a cozy coffee shop with a huge cuppa joe, in reality I am mostly consuming pages/listening to audiobooks on my commute or while waiting for my rice to get done.)

Favorites on Youtube and Podcasts


In one of my past lives, I was an ardent food blogger but now as a grad student I resort to less documentation and more nourishment. Here is make-shift recipe book which hopefully some day I will clean up! (If you look closely you can locate some regional dishes from my native state in India - Odisha, passed down by my mother.)

Outdoor Runs

I love running outdoors and over the years I have increased my race distances.

I was introduced to running by my (amazing) partner and the beautiful backdrop of IIT Madras was a positive catalyst. From then on I have been blessed with gorgeous running courses or may be you enjoy the ambiance a bit more when in motion ;)